An Essential Mix of Creativity and Localisation for Adobe's Global Content - BlueMelon Design

BlueMelon Design

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An Essential Mix of Creativity and Localisation for Adobe’s Global Content

BlueMelon developed unique and personalised solutions for Adobe to engage APAC audiences.

Localisation | Strategy | Campaign Creation | Copywriting | Animation | Vox Pops | Panel Highlight Video | Creative Design | Interviews | Lead Generation | GTM plan
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Content Marketing


Adobe is changing the world through digital experiences that inspire, transform and propel us all forward. Like Adobe, we agree that memorable experiences start with creativity. The Adobe team required support making US focused reports more accessible, creative and targeted to a local market. Adobe needed a partner in the APAC region to customise report content for a local audience, with a creative approach aligned with Adobe’s brand. BlueMelon’s local knowledge, creativity and design expertise made us the ideal partner.

What can Adobe do to make global reports more interesting to a local audience?

Adobe needed to localise and amplify a variety of US-based reports and events for a local creative business audience. Adobe required help to drive downloads of its research and reports, with an innovative approach to B2B content that engaged the APAC audience and helped build its credibility in the business community.
  • Future of Creativity report
  • Personalisation at Scale report
  • Adobe Experience Makers Live
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BlueMelon explored the ‘why’ of each report

Personalisation at Scale

Adobe’s data-driven ability to support organisations creates unique solutions for every single one of their customers. Their Personalisation at Scale report delved deep into how businesses can use personalisation and data to improve customer experiences and drive business forward. The challenge? How to make this information more engaging to an Australian audience. Our research into the local travel, finance and retail industries unearthed ways each industry can use information from Adobe’s Personalisation at Scale report to thrive. We used this research combined with Adobe’s report to outline tailored solutions for each industry with personalised blogs for the Australian audience. BlueMelon helped make the report content more accessible and engaging through an animated video which pulled key statistics from the report, relevant to an APAC audience. This helped bring some personality to Adobe’s report landing page, keeping customers on the page and driving sign ups and downloads for the report.

Adobe Experience Makers Live

Adobe’s Experience Makers Live event explored where technology is headed, understanding and growing your market, and tips on growing your personal and professional brand.

In order to make the event hyper-personalised to the Australian audience, BlueMelon came up with the idea to hit the streets and record real reactions from real people when asked about brand personalisation. Going straight to the source, we recorded these vox pops and created an engaging video of the best insights, which was shown to an audience of change-makers at Adobe Experience Makers Live in Sydney.

Adobe interview
Adobe interview
Adobe interview

Adobe needed a highlight video based on the panel at the Adobe Experience Live event in order to promote the event to business leaders around the world, as well as capture highlights from the discussion. The gated video will drive sign ups as business leaders explore how Adobe can help support personalisation at scale.

Our video team was on the ground at the event to capture key moments from the panel, as speakers from the University of Sydney, Hesta and NAB discussed the challenges and trends faced by Australian businesses, and how personalisation at scale can help businesses thrive.

Adobe interview
Adobe interview
Adobe interview

The Future of Creativity

Adobe required support to promote the Future of Creativity report, which uncovered challenges faced by creators around the world post-pandemic. BlueMelon was on board to discover the experience of creators in Australia and South Korea in a post 2020 world. We undertook extensive research into the culture and experience of creators in both Australia and South Korea, resulting in a go-to-market plan which showcased the experience of creators in the APAC region and recommended personalised solutions to enhance the report content.

BlueMelon conducted interviews with Australian and Korean creators such as Beci Orpin and Soojin Kim to add the local flair needed to bring this report to life. We discovered the unique challenges each creator faced, and supported their experience through insights pulled directly from Adobe’s report.

Adobe interview thumbnail
Adobe video image
Adobe video image

The team here at BlueMelon helped Adobe bring US focused content to an APAC audience using our local knowledge and creative expertise. Our desire to find out more by exploring the ‘why’ through discussions with local creators and business owners was the tip of the iceberg when it came to adding personal insights to reports at a global scale.

We helped Adobe find ways to make B2B content unique, personal and relevant to the APAC region, creating content that inspired their audience and drove interest in each report.

Our understanding of what Adobe needed to bring their content to life in the APAC region combined with our sense of curiosity made us the ideal partner in turning global reports into interesting, personalised and engaging content for the B2B audience.

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