6 objective types to consider for paid LinkedIn campaigns - BlueMelon Design

BlueMelon Design

6 objective types to consider for paid LinkedIn campaigns

The time has come. You want to market on a larger scale by dipping your toes into a network of more than 774 million people...



The time has come. You want to market on a larger scale by dipping your toes into a network of more than 774 million people all at once. While it can seem daunting at first to navigate how to launch a paid campaign on the world’s largest professional network, we’ve got a clear guide on how to know what’s best for you and your company with LinkedIn’s pre-filled settings. Wanting to gain more leads from a different market? You might want to click the “engagement” setting for a campaign focused on attracting your target audience. Simply needing to spread the word more about what you do? Might be best to tap into brand awareness tools. Basically, if the site knows your objective it’s much more likely to deliver the results you’re looking for based on your unique end goal.  So buckle up and have a read of the six objective types to look at for your paid LinkedIn campaign.



brand awareness



Brand awareness



The first step to any marketing campaign is spreading the word, and LinkedIn’s full funnel approach reflects just that. Build your brand from the ground up and maximize your brand’s share of voice through impression-based campaigns. We recommend putting most of your resources in this first feature to start off with to get as many target members (or what LinkedIn calls its “users”) as possible to recognise your brand and what you’re known for (or want to be known for!).



Website visits



Website visits



Okay, so you’ve built your brand a bit more and have worked on your own website which you’re very excited to show off. LinkedIn’s second feature “website visits” gets people to click through to an ad to arrive at your landing page, or a part of your site where they can find out more about your business. When you select this feature, LinkedIn is more likely to show your ads to members who will take an action…such as the aforementioned click. On the other hand, if you’re looking to convert people, keep reading on. “Website visits” is still an early stage feature at the top of your full funnel approach, and it’s one companies choose more frequently.



Community Engagement






What’s the point of being on social media if you’re not going to get social? Get your audience to interact with your ads by considering “engagement” as your top priority. Here you’ll be looking at increasing social action including any reactions, comments and shares, as well as people following your company page. Through these campaigns, you can gain more followers, increase views, and inspire ongoing engagement with audiences talking about your products, services and brand.



Video Views



Video views



Video informs and entertains people, and we know that busy people trawling LinkedIn often prefer to watch a video rather than read a chunk of text. In fact, a whopping 1 million minutes of video are downloaded per second.* Moving further down the funnel, choose this objective as your main priority to get more eyeballs on your video ad – be it your business story, a product launch, or a day-in-the-life video. And it’s not only about the amount of members you can reach but the scope. According to Forbes, 3 out of 4 executives are watching videos related to their work.* You can still use video as an ad format in selecting other objectives, but this feature is the only setting which gives you the option to bid and optimise based on cost per view.


See more here



website conversion



Website conversion



In this objective, you’re taking the audience by hand and leading them to your website for a particular reason which you find valuable. You may have an ebook or whitepaper you want visitors to download, or to collect their details while signing up for your newsletter. It’s similar to no.6 (below) but here you’re harvesting user data and getting users to fill in lead generation forms on your own website.



Lead generation



Lead generation



Take advantage of the platform’s rich client base by using accurate data in your campaign by gaining leads with pre-filled LinkedIn member forms. Choose this objective when your end goal is to pursue potential customers for whatever you’re offering. Even better when it’s combined with a brand engagement or awareness campaign to help target your messages with greater precision. Remember, hyper targeting can hurt your campaign so expand your scale. Now you’re on your way!

Closing summary: We’re proud to be one of LinkedIn’s 3 favoured agencies in Australia.




Antigone Anagnostellis works at Bluemelon Design, who is proud to be a Linkedin Partner creative agency with a number of countries around the world. You can join the Blummie community here

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