Top 5 reasons to hire a Content Marketer - BlueMelon Design

BlueMelon Design

Top 5 reasons to hire a Content Marketer

One of the best investments you can make when it comes to your businesses’ marketing strategy is to hire a content...




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"Traditional marketing talks at people. Content Marketing talks with them."


One of the best investments you can make when it comes to your businesses’ marketing strategy is to hire a content marketing expert. Why? Although content marketing costs 62% less than traditional marketing tactics, it generates 3 times as many leads. Gone are the days when we distributed messages about how great our product or service is with no feedback. No matter what your digital strategy covers – be it a blog, email newsletter or awesome LinkedIn company page – it’s super important to have someone who can plan and organise your digital content with the big picture in mind. A great content marketing services team will help you showcase your subject matter expertise, provide great content to your leads and customers and help set you apart from your competitors. Besides, you want to dedicate the majority of your valuable time to growing your business overall. In this blog we’re going to talk you through the primary reasons for entrusting your content marketing to a dedicated expert. Read: dollars saved and top brand reputation made!


Here are our top 5 reasons to hire professional content marketer or marketing team:


  • It’s a cost-effective way to generate new leads and influence conversions.
  • It’s good for business (aka will increase your sales).
  • It (enormously) boosts your SEO efforts.
  • It will help you attract more loyal customers.
  • It will take some work off your hands (so you can focus on the important stuff!)


Content marketing is like a first date


cost effective way to generate new leads



It’s a cost-effective way to generate new leads.


Top quality content which provides value to your reader builds trust and engagement with existing customers but also peaks interest in potential new leads. Users start to develop an opinion of your brand from your content they read or watch. It’s something that people actually expect from brands these days:


  • 78% of consumers say they prefer to get to know a company through articles rather than ads.
  • 70% believe organisations publishing custom content are interested in building meaningful relationships with them. see more


And of course, if your content is created to a professional standard and users find it engaging, educational and entertaining then they will associate those things with your business as a whole. Eventually, you will be seen as an industry leader.


increase sales


It’s good for business (aka influence conversions and increase your sales).


We’ve previously spoken about why you should plan organic content, and why it’s essential for any business in planning for their growth. Now, you’re thinking about hiring someone to take care of it for you. Adding someone to your team whose job it is to take care of content marketing will produce higher interest in what you’re selling simply because users will trust you more.

We know users like to get to know a brand through its organic media, but the same is true of their purchasing decisions with 61% of internet users deciding to make a purchase after reading a blog article.

Still not convinced? Check out more stats to make your case for content marketing on our blog here.


Boost SEO


It (enormously) boosts your SEO efforts.


Hiring a content marketer can help you improve your search engine rankings as posting regular content to your home website can boost your chances of being valued as “high quality.” Each Google algorithm update is getting smarter and smarter at filtering out content which people won’t find useful (and outdated content will be in that pile!) Basically, the more new content on your website web crawlers (which harvest information to give to the search engine) find, the more often they will return to look for new pages. The faster your page is indexed, the sooner you will show up in the search results. Users need to be able to find your content to appreciate it!


Content is fire social media is gasoline


attract more loyal customers


It will help you attract more loyal customers.


Hiring a content marketer does contribute to improving your brand reputation as consistent communication is a key part of effective marketing. Research shows that “content consistency establishes your credibility, builds your trust and strengthens your reputation.” It takes time and effort to keep up your content marketing strategy long enough for it to work. It is cost-effective and as noted in our reasons above, contributes to higher leads and sales. However, your first few months might be tricky in that you won’t see growth straightaway. An experienced content expert can make sure the tone of voice is consistent across all channels so that your audience is confident in your identity.


take work off your hands


It will take some work off your hands (so you focus on the important stuff!).


And finally, we recommend hiring a professional for your content marketing needs because producing quality content on a regular basis can be tiring! You need all your energy to focus on managing other priorities like growing your business as a whole.


Anything we’ve missed out from today’s blog?


We’d love to connect. At BlueMelon Design we deeply understand the importance of keeping it human, and we do so for a number of companies from across the globe. Talk to us about how you can take your growth strategy to the next level today.


Antigone Anagnostellis works at Bluemelon Design, which is proud to be a Linkedin Partner creative agency with a number of countries around the world. You can join the Blummie community here.



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