How to Create & Grow Your LinkedIn Company Page - BlueMelon Design

BlueMelon Design

How to Create & Grow Your LinkedIn Company Page

Click here to learn how to grow and create your LinkedIn company page with these helpful ticks and tips…



How to Create & Grow Your LinkedIn Company Page Top Image



In the past, LinkedIn has been viewed as Facebook’s poor cousin; the underdog of social media. But did you know that in 2016, Microsoft acquired it for a whopping $26.2b? That’s 26 times what Facebook paid for Instagram ($1b) and $7b more than what Zuckerberg paid for WhatsApp ($19b). Just to put things in perspective!


As a platform, Linked offers as much value for members as it does for investors; it’s the world’s largest professional network with 740 million members and counting.


At Blue Melon, we recommend brands create a company page to promote their business on LinkedIn, especially when targeting B2B prospects. Because when it’s done well, you can increase your LinkedIn followers by up to 600 per cent (no kidding)! Here’s my tips to help make that happen.



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1. Complete your company page in full


According to LinkedIn, company pages with complete information get 30% more weekly views. So no shortcuts allowed!


When setting up a LinkedIn page for your business, be sure to follow all the prompts including page logo, cover image, organisation information and a call-to-action button.


Take extra care with your ‘about’ section – it’s an opportunity to summarise your company’s vision. Avoid copy/pasting long copy from your website and aim for one tightly written paragraph. Remember, LinkedIn is a mobile app as much as it is a desktop site, so less is more (but only if it’s high quality).



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2. Stay on brand


LinkedIn is highly templated but there a 3 key ways to ensure your company page remains on brand.


Firstly, ensure your logo is legible. It sounds like a no-brainer but brands do get it wrong from time to time.


Secondly, utilise your cover image space – it’s your best chance to add brand personality (here are a few good examples to get you started). Remember, your cover image will crop differently on mobile so be mindful of too much text.


Lastly, stick to your brand’s tone of voice. And remember that call-to-action!



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3. Post relevant, branded content regularly


Businesses that create weekly content typically see a 2x lift in engagement, so it’s worth ensuring your company posts regularly.


Blue Melon recommends creating a LinkedIn Marketing Strategy to help streamline content creation and ensure an engaging feed. This can make the creation of assets more efficient, and lead to a considered content strategy for your target market.


Type of content may include short videos, images with statistics, thought leadership articles (blogs), company milestones, staff features, eBook promotions and even original research projects. Third party content should also play a role, and include relevant articles and videos from respected sources in your industry.


You may also like to consider paid LinkedIn marketing campaigns to generate leads and attract new customers.



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4. Engage your colleagues and suppliers


The average number of connections for a LinkedIn user is 930. Multiply that by your number of company employees and imagine the possible reach!


There a couple of key ways you can engage your team on LinkedIn:


  • Support them to fill out their LinkedIn profiles by providing them with professional headshots.
  • Notify them of your top page posts (via internal newsletters or an all-staff email) so they can comment and share.
  • Recognise their achievements with a shout-out from the mothership (that is, your company page).
  • Foster internal engagement through the My Company tab. This feature can connect coworkers, measure employee advocacy (to reward it), celebrate staff milestones and more.



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5. Promote your company page beyond LinkedIn


Think about other touchpoints where you can cross-promote your LinkedIn company page and grow your following. Where can you add a call-to-action to ‘follow us on LinkedIn’?

Common placements include employee email footers, corporate collateral (annual reports, internal communications), EDMs/newsletters and social media.

I also recommend adding a LinkedIn page follow button to your business website so visitors can follow you with one click.


At Blue Melon, we’re proud to be 1 of 2 preferred agency partners for LinkedIn in Australia, having created high-performing campaigns for the platform itself. If you’d like to learn how we can help create a personalised LinkedIn Content Marketing Tactical Plan to push your brand to the top of LinkedIn, contact me today.


+61 409 393949



Tags: LinkedIn Company Pages, LinkedIn Business Strategy, LinkedIn Marketing, LinkedIn Content, LinkedIn Agency



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