Why now is the time to upskill your employees - BlueMelon Design

BlueMelon Design

Why now is the time to upskill your employees

Businesses can’t afford not to invest in training and development these days. Company-led upskilling can...



Why now is the time to upskill your employees


Businesses can’t afford not to invest in training and development these days. Company-led upskilling can drive productivity and growth from within, and it encourages employees to be on the cutting edge of their chosen industry. In the creative arts, marketing, and design, we see constant change across tools and best practices. What you learn constantly needs to be refreshed. Given constant product updates, and quarterly launches, we Melons believe that learning needs to be an ongoing process. Companies who classify themselves as “learning organisations,” or those who are quick to adapt to the market, are the most successful. Problem solving, selling a product, or designing a system require new perspectives. Learning and training ensures we don’t repeat old practices. That’s key to creativity!



How do we do upskilling?

How do we do upskilling?


We subscribe to e-learning platform Domestika and each quarter, every Melon selects an area of interest to study deeper during work hours. Project managers, video editors, writers, graphic designers – everyone gets involved. We then report back to the rest of the team with a “Schlearn”, or a show and tell of what we have learnt from the program.



Upskilling and more training leads to increased outputs and revenue

Upskilling and more training leads to increased outputs and revenue


There’s a clear link between organisations who invest in learning, and their bottom line. In fact, Deloitte research*** has found that (on average) a 1% increase in spending on learning & development efforts per employee is associated with a 0.2% increase in business revenue that same year. Breaking it down, when staff are given the time to test and expand their knowledge, they contribute overall to a well-rounded and cross-trained workforce. Training costs much less than recruiting, and can lead to similar outcomes in the long run. In our world of creative agencies, it means more opportunities for in-demand projects as the team gets up-to-date on trends and software. Ultimately, it’s contributing to the unique business value of the company.



Upskilling increases staff morale and improves retention rates

Upskilling increases staff morale and improves retention rates


When employees are given the opportunity to learn something new, especially something they’re passionate about or keen to explore, they say they feel more valued. In-house training improves staff morale as it makes people feel included in long term company goals. In a recent survey by HubSpot, almost 9 out of 10 workers said upskilling should be done in work hours as part of their regular duties. 95% of managers and 86% of director-level staff agreed.**** And when staff are happy and stimulated at work, they’re more likely to stay on (even during shake-up times such as The Great Reshuffle when less money is on the table.) Accepting that everyone has something to learn on the road to innovation fosters a culture of transparency, trust and collaboration.



In-house training keeps your workforce responsive to updates in tech

In-house training keeps your workforce responsive to updates in tech


Responding to the rapidly accelerating digital changes around the world can feel like running on a hamster wheel at times. It never ends! Hands-on learning empowers your workforce to be ahead of the curve, and to be prepared for whatever comes their way. Down under, the Australian Industry Group in 2021 flagged skills gaps in the workforce when it came to tech know-how as a major “concern”.***** In terms of time, the changes are more rapid than annual. The World Economic Forum’s 2020 Future of Jobs Report suggested that 40% of workers* would require upskilling in six months or less. In-built opportunities for learning and upskilling creates a continual learning, rather than something last-minute or responsive.



In-built learning is a good use of quiet time

In-built learning is a good use of quiet time


Agency life follows the rhythms of short bursts and production schedules, which can leave some quiet moments in between feedback loops. A solid internal training program means that staff are using their free time productively (again, contributing to greater staff morale and motivation overall.)



Training cultivates curiosity through practice

Training cultivates curiosity through practice


An important project under deadline is not the ideal time to experiment with something brand new. While we believe in risk-taking, we also like to hone our craft on the side. Training cultivates a sense of curiosity and piques interest around what work could look like, with new knowledge and no limits. It also offers staff an ability to practise their craft with no one looking.



So, why incorporate upskilling at your creative agency?

  1. Increased outputs and revenue
  2. Better staff morale and retention rates
  3. Stay competitive during rapid tech changes
  4. Productive use of downtimes
  5. Cultivates curiosity through practice


Learning has always been a part of our founding story at BlueMelon. With two lecturers as founders and directors, it’s a fundamental value of ours to provide in-house opportunities for growth.


Get in touch with us here to keep talking about creative agency culture. We’d love to connect!



The World Economic Forum, October 2020, ‘The Future of Jobs Report 2020’,



Deloitte, April 2022, ‘The Business Return on Learning and Development’,



Deloitte, April 2022, ‘The Business Return on Learning and Development’,



HubSpot, April 2022, ‘The Great Upskill’,


NCEVER, 2022, ‘Upskilling and reskilling: the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on employers and their training choices’,

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