Why you need to pick an agency with good culture | Blue Melon Design

BlueMelon Design

Why you need to pick an agency with good culture

The world’s biggest agencies champion a strong work culture as the core of their success with team drinks...



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The world’s biggest agencies champion a strong work culture as the core of their success with team drinks, lunchtime surf breaks, and beer tasting at local breweries. But, more important than fun perks, those who genuinely foster an environment which is supportive, creative, and understanding produce the best work. That’s ultimately what springs creativity! It’s no secret we’re living through an age which is shifting more and more to employee-first, and on the flip side, a functioning agency with great culture translates into better creations too. When choosing an agency to work with, you want a team that is going to make the work easy, and provide more than a clock in, clock out mentality. Culture fit is incredibly important in campaign success, and aligned values are key to a great working relationship. There’s nothing worse than signing up to an agency who isn’t passionate about the partnership. Read on for the breakdown on why it’s so important to pick an agency with good culture.


It’s more cost effective in the long run


A full-service agency with good culture is reliable on budget, outcome and results. It streamlines the campaign process, making everyone’s lives easier and circumvents unforeseen costs coming from inefficient project management…(preventing that awkward conversation where you have to explain to your team that a partnership has become surprisingly pricey!) An agency which can do graphic design, UX design, video editing, storyboarding, social media, copywriting and content strategy brings consistent messaging to your campaign – from concept through to execution


An agency with outstanding culture ensures goal-oriented work. Some agencies tend to focus on short-term goals given the cycle of rotating campaigns with many clients. Put simply, high-performing teams are interested in good culture as much as output.


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Agency culture impacts the customer experience


A diverse team with a mixed skillset is going to deliver a much more human, high-quality solution. Authenticity is a key component of good agency culture. Look for agencies that are multidisciplinary – both in terms of demographics, but also professional specialities – and select one which champions its people. You want the top talent on your account. A team of passionate, driven, A-players will work until they create the best customer experience. And so, you’ll be able to target your audience, or audiences, in an effective way. These days, anyone can call themselves a “marketing expert,” but the right agency will take time to really empathise with you, and your users, and build a meaningful solution. If your potential partners don’t invest in their own agency culture, how do you expect them to care about yours? Improve your competitive advantage with great talent and a passionate, caring team.


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Good culture fosters innovation


When choosing an agency to work with, look for a team which is curious and caring, as well as professionally skilled. A disengaged team, no matter how qualified, is definitely not going to create great content. Choose an agency which doesn’t only follow formulas, or stick to best practices, and isn’t afraid to think outside of the box to unearth valuable insights. A well-functioning team is open to hearing everyone’s ideas, and makes everyone feel included, which in turns means everyone there cares about their work and its delivery. That might mean letting the team unleash their creativity in an art show, or involving junior team members in discussions and brainstorms. Ask your potential agency how they work. Sometimes the best ideas come from the unsuspected!


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Can the agency handle feedback? Can they move in a nimble way? Are they across agile design processes? Basically, an agency with a good culture will stand out most when put under pressure. You don’t want a team who charges by the minute, and makes you feel stuck. When you choose an agency that has good communication, your projects will move smoothly. Culture means team members can take constructive criticism and feedback, because there are strong relationships in the workplace. It’s the nature of creative work that sometimes there are hiccups and last-minute changes, so you want a team which still says “yes!” when the workload piles up or deadlines shift. It’s crucial to go with an agency that supports a level of emotional intensity in the work.


At the end of the day, you don’t want to just sign off and say goodbye. You need to pick an agency with good culture to ensure an easy work process, but also meaningful, creative and innovative work! And, if you like surfing or a wine after work – well that’s a plus!


Interested in a meaningful partnership? Get in touch! We’ve been working with LinkedIn for 8 years.


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Antigone Anagnostellis works at Bluemelon Design, which is proud to be a Linkedin Partner creative agency with a number of countries around the world. You can join the Blummie community here.

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