BlueMelon’s biggest year yet: a wrap from our director Juan - BlueMelon Design

BlueMelon Design

BlueMelon’s biggest year yet: a wrap from our director Juan

The future of BlueMelon is bright - it’s agile, creative and above all human-first. I’ve always been appreciative...



Director's wrap up 2021



The future of BlueMelon is bright – it’s agile, creative and above all human-first. I’ve always been appreciative of the authentic, tight-knit team we have here at BMD, and as the company grows I believe we will only enrich our ability to deliver top material with our trademark passion and sense of humour. As we say goodbye to 2021 and evolve into a video-first world, digital marketing and content campaigns as we know it are taking on a whole new dimension, and we’re so excited to see what the new year brings. Here’s what made 2021 our biggest year yet.



Director of BlueMelon Juan



Revenue up


I am pleased to announce that we have recorded a 600% increase in revenue in the last 4 years, with a 156% increase over the previous 12 months.



+600% in the last 4 years




International client base grew exponentially


BlueMelon campaigns over the past year ranged from social media marketing, to multi-platform campaigns, and products emanating from new technology, including conversation ads and individual messaging on LinkedIn.

We’re proud to have worked with several outstanding companies over the past year, including Microsoft, Salesforce, LinkedIn, Tourism New Zealand, Dell, Cisco, UTS, Instructure, among other incredible clients.



Companies we work with




New staff


BlueMelon welcomed eight new staff to the team this year across all departments. In design – we had two eager graduates, Paris and Shorty (aka Mark). In project management Geneva, Isabella and Stef jumped on full time. Plus, we hired our first in-house copywriter Anti, and our first dedicated sales and marketing manager, Jo. We also added Autumn to our project management team just before the year’s end.

I’m humbled by this growth – given the challenging circumstances of the past few years for both companies and their employees. We lost zero staff due to COVID-19, or lockdown. Reporting this makes me feel proud of what the team has achieved in terms of rapidly switching over during a disruptive time to a remote, and finally hybrid, workflow – continuing to be agile all the way.



New Melons



Boomerang staff


In addition to welcoming a new bunch of committed professionals to the crew, I was pleased to welcome back our former project manager, Chi after his stint in corporate.
Plus, a massive shout out is due to BlueMelon veteran (and my life partner) Jacs – who returned to work at the agency after 2 years. She’s been taking some time off to raise our twin daughters, and we are loving having her back.



Boomerang Melons




Agency goes not-for-profit


For the first time, in 2021, BlueMelon joined forces with a not-for-profit to donate its content and design services to a worthy cause. We chose to work with Northern Beaches-based environmental association Living Ocean, as caring for the ocean is a cause very close to our hearts. We are lucky to work by the sea, and we make a conscious effort to champion eco-friendly products around the studio. We’re excited to support the Living Ocean crew with custom designs, website content, and marketing for the next six months. It’s an initiative I’m really excited about for the year ahead.



Living Ocean partnership



Ecommerce launch


In 2021, we combined our know-how of graphic design and love for our local Manly Beach, launching our very own range of BlueMelon t-shirts. Lead graphic designer, Adrian, plus designers Harley and Vix created 8 custom designs inspired by Manly Beach life – for both men and women. Each staff member has been rocking the design of their choice, and behind the scenes the team has been working hard to design the first BlueMelon eCommerce site which will sport the fresh tees, as well as some other exciting products made by the Melon family.



BlueMelon merch



Live art


Finally, I was so pleased that BlueMelon hosted its 10th biennial PorqueNo open art exhibition in Sydney. This year’s theme was “The 7 Deadly Sins.” We hosted a roaring opening night at the Gaffa Gallery in the CBD and, after a few months’ lockdown earlier in the year – it was warmly welcomed by the creative community. It’s really important to me, and the team, that we remain rooted in our free-flowing creativity as the company grows. I don’t want to lose the awesome, vibrant environment of BlueMelon as we continue to grow our partnerships. So far, I think we’ve done a really good job of maintaining an enviable work culture as we deliver.
Cheers to an amazing 2022!



PorqueNo 5 exhibition



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