Buyer Persona Template - BlueMelon Design

BlueMelon Design

Free Resource





You’ve been given lemons. So you make lemonade. In fact, you’ve set up a lemonade stand and good news – the people of your neighbourhood love it. It’s time to expand. But how do you figure out who else is thirsty for lemonade?

Easy – you need to pinpoint the kind of person who would buy your beverage.

That’s why we’re sharing our Buyer Persona Template.

It will help you pinpoint your target audience, so you can move on to crafting an incredible content marketing strategy, content pillars, journey mapping, and other steps along your LinkedIn marketing solutions.

Getting started with these buyer personas will give you the ability to connect to real users and understand their needs, wants, and pains so you can serve them best.

Why this resource is amazing

It’s always easier to work with concrete starting points and that’s what a buyer persona enables. It’s a hypothetical archetype of who might want to purchase your service or product. Our template helps you create a name, age and job description for your persona. Consider their education level, industry, personal and professional goals, pain points, and interests.

Use the personas you create as a guide for your particular messaging when considering organic content objectives, paid campaign objectives, channel mix, and your B2C or B2B marketing strategies.

How to use it

Fill out the template based on the case study included and unlock the ability to create authentic and relevant messaging for your audience.

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