BlueMelon is celebrating creativity in B2B marketing - BlueMelon Design

BlueMelon Design

BlueMelon is celebrating creativity in B2B marketing

Introducing our new brand story. In this article, how we’re planning to blaze the B2B trail in 2023 and beyond with creativity...

Tash Wordpress


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Introducing our new brand story. In this article, how we’re planning to blaze the B2B trail in 2023 and beyond with creativity, invention and heart — all the ingredients for deeper human-to-human connection, and ultimately, better business results.


B2B marketing gets a bad rap for being boring. The problem is, B2B is a complicated space, filled with complex products and services, mostly pitched at customers wearing conservative slacks. Who wears slacks these days? Beyond that, BRB decision-making is like a hot potato which bounces back and forth between teams and departments during the “buying” life cycle.


The thing is, most B2B brands feel emotionally unavailable. There’s a lack of human connection. Just like B2C, B2B is made up of people who want the same things as everyone else: to be loved, hugged, seen and understood. What if B2B marketing upended the status quo by being more personal, and focusing on the people we’re communicating with.


Here at BlueMelon, we’re challenging ourselves to flip the B2B script and blaze a new trail. With curious Melon-heads, we’re wondering: Where’s the humanity? Where’s the creativity? What role can intuition play? With the increasing reliance on data to shape conversations and campaigns, we’re keen to see how data combines with different ingredients to have an impact.


This is where the new BlueMelon brand story began.


Read what the Melons behind our bold change in direction have to say about our path forward.


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Humans connecting with humans


Business to business… think about it. If it was actually a business engaging with another business, we’d just let the machines do it. No need for us humans to get in the way with our curious thoughts, warm hearts and gut feels. Right? For Juan Pablo Gutierrez, founder and director, BlueMelon, stepping out of a data comfort zone requires a human approach.


“The more invested we got into our niche B2B marketing space, we felt there was a missing component around creativity and truly understanding the person, the human, who sits on the other side of a piece of content or campaign. We’ve always felt creativity is important but this is not usually well represented or approached in the traditional B2B space,” he says.


“Businesses can be the biggest contributors in our relentlessly changing the world. Why does the B2B space continues to be disconnected from people? We want to solve B2B problems in a more human way.”


Fellow founder and director, Jacs Wallace agrees.


“In a nutshell, we’re all human. Your target audience is human. At BlueMelon, we care about other humans and create the best outcomes we can for other humans.”


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Blazing a new trail


For Melon-head Sam Dodson, who’s crafted the narrative behind BlueMelon’s new brand story, blazing a new trail is about bringing clients, who share an adventurous spirit and a willingness to be bold, on a journey to hit business objectives by pushing B2B boundaries. Our trail-blazing creative process is captured through four human-centred pillars: Head, Heart, Gut, Hands.

“We go through a series of stages that starts with the Head — understanding, research, and strategic thinking. Then the Heart and the Gut get involved. Ideation and creativity can’t be fenced in by logic. Some things won’t make sense until later. You have to trust in the process — and just let go. Then our Hands craft these stories, with both visuals and words, making the audience feel something and do something, It’s magic,” she says.
The BlueMelon brand story explains our intention as a content, brand and digital agency and how we show up every day: Blazing trails, widening eyes, singing eyebrows, and growing more.


“I’m super excited about a new direction for us as a studio. It’s a new story and a new way of ideally helping our clients and partners,” says Jacs Wallace.


“However, the journey of actually creating a new visual representation, brand and creative elements is almost the most exciting part! Our team experimented, explored, re-invented, and best of all, played with our own narrative. It’s been rewarding, for sure.”


Who are we serving?


Are you ready to blaze some trails with BlueMelon? It’s in our MO to speak honestly and frankly, uncovering truths and challenges around your offering, audience and market. We then tackle these challenges head on, by delivering solutions using creativity, invention and heart.


“If we can get people onboard who are ready to blaze some trails, be brave in bringing together data and heart, and put their trust in us – I’m excited about the amazing creative work we’ll be able to do, the creative boundaries we’ll be able to push, and the awesome results we’ll be able to achieve for these brave clients. This is what success looks like to me,” explains Sam.


The bottom line: BlueMelon is celebrating creativity in B2B.


“We felt that it was the right time to focus our energy on working with clients who want to be B2B challengers through creativity and humanity, with a little help from data,” says Juan.


Want to be a B2B challenger?

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