Help empower our community to use our new product.
LinkedIn had a powerful new Company Pages product, but they needed to educate their community on the how and why to use it.
LinkedIn is well known as a business and employment service, offering free professional networking pages for both individuals and organisations. To support these services they offer a range of content for their audiences, ranging from how-to’s, insights, best practice guides and more. In addition, they have a marketing services offering which includes LinkedIn Ads, Text Ads, Image Ads and Video Ads. These solutions drive high-quality leads, grow business, engage audiences, gain followers and build brands, just to name a few things. Way, way more than just a job platform.
The global asset wasn’t cutting it.
LinkedIn had a global asset to take Company Pages to market, but it wasn’t sticking at a local level.

Educate and persuade our audience to use Pages.
The global Pages educational PDF guide contained all of the information that the audience needed to digest, it just wasn’t very persuasive or engaging. We stepped in to change that.
From headache inducing and indigestible to...
Brought to life across a range of formats.
Sparking interest and generating uptake in the new Company Pages product.
Strategic breakdown of content
We took the existing longform text document and re-imagined it as a succinct toolkit of 7 interactive checklists and process flows that could be downloaded as a package from a landing page. Rather than one broad document about company pages, each booklet had a strategic focus on a specific topic to make it easier for the audience to navigate LinkedIn’s new offering.

The Campaign
The new dynamic, engaging and snackable assets were sliced and diced to power the entire Company Pages campaign that ran across all of LinkedIn’s owned and operated platforms. Eye catching graphics and snappy animated video cut downs were used as posts in the timeline to drive audiences to click through to the landing page where they could download the toolkit.
Instructional Infographics
We re-created the instructions on how to set-up a Company Page as an infographic. The clearly numbered steps, graphics and icons made the process seem much more accessible, fun and easy than a bland list of steps.

Animated Video
We created a series of animated videos to teach LinkedIn users everything they needed to know to confidently set up their company page. Topics included: Getting Started, How to Create a Page, How to Build a Community and How do I Make the Most Out of my Page. The full length videos were cut down into bite size tips for promotion across the LinkedIn network.

By creating a set of interactive checklists the content not only became more informative but it was also physically useful across teams.
Landing Page
We created region specific landing pages for all Toolkit content packs to be hosted. All campaign assets lead the user directly to this landing page which explained all items of the toolkit and what should be expected when downloading the kit.

We all know APAC as one big happy family, which it is however there are quite a few cultural differences across this great region and we needed to be sure these were addressed not only in the look and feel of the campaign and content assets but also the content it self. Country specific data and examples were used to be sure each region or country had the most relevant information at their disposal.
Interactive Guide
This guide took the reader step by step on how to create an amazing Page. It also had features where readers could quite easily step ahead or back with quick and easy buttons throughout the book instead of having to scroll through information they may have already read or actioned. This made the guide extremely user-friendly and efficient to use.

"BlueMelon really set the standard with the Company Pages toolkit and video series, which is now a valuable resource not just for APAC, but for LinkedIn globally."
Content Marketing Manager APAC

A successful campaign and valuable resource for LinkedIn Company Pages.
The content created by BlueMelon for the pages launch
was evergreen – instructional, persuasive and educational.
A valuable resource for LinkedIn and their clients.

Are you struggling to onboard or educate your clients?
Sometimes the biggest roadblock to getting traction for a new product or service is a lack of understanding or awareness of a product’s benefits and how to use it. This is where human centered educational content can come to the rescue, unlocking new opportunities and increasing engagement.
Getting brands right is our specialty, we understand what you need and will deliver on your core business values.
We like to start by identifying the problem space and getting to know your business
A clearly defined business goal is crucial to any successful content marketing initiative. We say ‘no’ to content for content’s sake. Need help figuring it out? Talk to us. We’re happy to help.
We focus in understanding your main pain points
Before we begin we’ll need to understand you and your team’s pain points. Every company is different, so it all starts with listening. From there we’ll go through various stages depending on what we uncover during this stage.
We are humans that value data
If content is king, data is queen. Strategically led data-driven content is what we’re all about. The more data and insights about your brand and target audience you can share with us – the better! If you’re not sure what data might be helpful, or if it exists – never fear. We’re here to help.