Hewlett Packard: How we boosted HP’s B2B newsletter open rates - BlueMelon Design

BlueMelon Design

Content is the glue that keeps this brand front of mind with it’s partners

How does a printer brand stay front of mind with the retailers who sell their products?


Content Strategy, Content Curation, eDM

In 2015 Hewlett-Packard made headlines when it split its global business into two smaller publicly traded companies: Hewlett-Packard Enterprise and HP.

With over 250 partners in Australia who sell and distribute their products, along with a database of 8,000+ people, HP needed to find a new way to engage their partners, keeping them up to date on products and inspired to recommend them to customers.


The bi-monthly newsletter was “bland, corporate & hard to read”.

Previous attempts to engage the partners with a bi-monthly email had failed.

How could HP keep the attention of their partners?

They wanted content that was true to who they are today.

HP challenged us to re-vamp their partner content offering to reflect a dynamic, modern and agile new business culture.


Goodbye lame newsletter.
Hello fresh new look.

We designed a slick new bi-monthly eDM that was a world apart from previous incarnations. The clean, fresh design heroed our engaging and digestible content.

Content Strategy

We audited HP’s Partner content, curated stories and developed a new style for the copy, imagery and headlines. The new newsletter focused on providing valuable and helpful relevant information to HP partners, rather than bombarding them with sales messaging.

Design & User Experience

The clean, fresh, easy to read new design spoke for itself. Bolder, hero images were more pleasing on the eye than the previous cluttered style. Clearer CTAs drove greater engagement and increased negative space gave the content room to breathe and improved legibility.


HP’s first newly improved eDM included an article on HP workstations in space, and thanks to our editing and positioning the article became their top ranked story, receiving numerous social media shares.


eDM Open Rates

With BlueMelon’s help, the eDM open rates skyrocketed to an incredible…


Click-through Rates

With click-through rates climbing by an impressive


“The team at BlueMelon removed the stress of having to put on a creative hat. They ran with the brief and delivered exactly what I wanted”

Channel Marketing Manager

One giant leap for HP

HP’s new newsletter is now distributed monthly and engagement rates continue to climb.

Is your content getting traction?

Whether you’ve looking to refresh what you’re already doing, to outsource your content creation, or to venture into content marketing for the first time, we have the smarts and the team to help you kick your content (and business) goals. Yew!


Getting brands right is our specialty,
we understand what you need and will deliver on your core business values

We like to start by identifying the problem space and getting to know your business

A clearly defined business goal is crucial to any successful content marketing initiative. We say ‘no’ to content for content’s sake. Need help figuring it out? Talk to us. We’re happy to help.

We focus in understanding your main pain points

Before we begin we’ll need to understand you and your team’s pain points. Every company is different, so it all starts with listening. From there we’ll go through various stages depending on what we uncover during this stage.

We are humans that value data

If content is king, data is queen. Strategically led data-driven content is what we’re all about. The more data and insights about your brand and target audience you can share with us – the better! If you’re not sure what data might be helpful, or if it exists – never fear. We’re here to help.

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