Could you go for a week without speaking? - BlueMelon Design

BlueMelon Design

Could you go for a week without speaking?

We partnered with St Lucy’s School to rebrand their fundraiser, ‘Week Without Words’
which raises funds and awareness for children with communication disabilities.


Brand Identity, Tone of Voice, Photography, Character design, Posters, Cards

The lovely people at St Lucy’s School provide excellence in education for students with disabilities. BlueMelon was honoured to work with them on the branding of a very special and important campaign, ‘A Week Without Words’. Participants go silent for an hour or a whole day – and get sponsored to do it. The money raised helps provide communication tools, speech therapy, behavioural training and communication devices for children who struggle to communicate verbally.


‘A Week Without Words’ rebrand

A Week Without Words was an amazing cause, but with limited funding they had missed some opportunities to amplify their messages and connect with the right audiences. We stepped in to help.

A unique brand for a truly unique cause.

We were honoured to help shape the authentic personality and voice of  Week Without Words.


An evolution in the brand’s identity.

We helped develop a brand strategy; created a new visual identity, style guidelines; new collateral; and concepted special campaign cards.


We developed an eye-catching new logo with a playful hand device, forming a 'w' shape, symbolising Week Without Words. This icon was also inspired by the hand over mouth imagery that featured throughout the campaign. The vibrant pops of colour gave these messages a playful and optimistic tone.


We created a suite of super cute characters to as brand mascots, who popped up everywhere throughout the campaign, across a range of brand collateral.

Print & other collateral

Posters and other collateral such as badges and t-shirts incorporated playful colour blocking alongside the fresh new logo and icons.


We created a suite of super cute characters to as brand mascots, who popped up everywhere throughout the campaign, across a range of brand collateral.aAn innovative element of the campaign was a collection of cards that fundraisers could hold over their mouths to explain why they weren’t speaking, without using spoken words.

Every child deserves to be heard.

What an amazing cause for an amazing group of individuals! We learnt from this project that sometimes silence can hold more meaning than a thousand words.

Do you want to create a more powerful brand?

We can help shape the authentic personality and voice of your brand and implement customised strategies that reflect your business plan. We know how to add value to your business; amplifying your brand message and connecting you to the right audience, through insightful concept and seamless design.


Getting brands right is our specialty, we understand what you need and will deliver on your core business values

What do you need to know before taking this approach?

A clearly defined business goal is crucial to any successful content marketing initiative. We say ‘no’ to content for content’s sake. Need help figuring it out? Talk to us. We’re happy to help.

What are the steps to implementing this solution in a similar process?

Before we start we need to understand you and your teams particular pain points which may be different to another companies so it all starts with listening. From there we go through various stages depending on what happens in the listening stage. Click here to learn more on our process.

What are the key things you need to consider before getting started to build your amazing brand?

The first step into creating an amazing brand is to get together and understand where you are at within the process. Look at pain points, who your users are and what values can we bring through the brand personality. We can always have a fun session to uncover all of this and more with you.

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