BlueMelon | Introducing Melons For Good - BlueMelon Design

BlueMelon Design

BlueMelon | Introducing Melons For Good

BlueMelon cares about the impact of environmental and social issues on our future. We want to hang our creative hats



3463 we give a sh*t, thats why we're giving back


We give a sh*t about people and the planet. That’s why we’re giving back



World-changing environmental and social ideas and inventions often start with a passion to solve a problem. Passion intensifies focus. Passion fuels motivation. Passion is a driving force. However, passion alone is unsustainable. As a business, we’re searching for passionate people and organisations doing purposeful work, who’d benefit from a creative collaboration.


Like most Australians, we give a sh*t about people and the planet. We care like crazy about the climate, our oceans, mental health, and equality (among a long list!) and we want to show goodwill by giving back through a new pro bono partnership, Melons For Good (#MelonsForGood), because we believe business has a responsibility to have a positive impact.


Juan Pablo Gutierrez, founder and director, BlueMelon, says partnering with a start-up, social enterprise or not-for-profit is a small way to contribute to some of the biggest issues facing Australia. “We know there are great humans throwing everything they’ve got at blazing a trail on environmental and social issues affecting all of us. It’s our duty to be trailblazers, too.”





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What is environmental and social impact?


So, what is environmental and social impact exactly?


Environmental impact is the effect people’s actions have on the environment.


Social impact is the effect an individual or organisation’s actions have on the social fabric of a community. Positive environmental and social impact involves addressing these issues with action.


The good news is, there are many, many people and organisations who truly give a sh*t. They’re trailblazers, tackling major environmental and social problems with hard work and heart. It’s both exhilarating and a slog at the coalface of change, working on big-picture initiatives.


Here’s a few that come to mind:

  • Sea Forest, the environmental technology company based in Tasmania, cultivating methane-reducing seaweed (asparagopsis) as a natural solution to climate change.
  • Fungi Solutions, an R&D social enterprise using fungi to divert waste from landfill and grow natural alternatives to plastics; and
  • Heart On My Sleeve, a not-for-profit community organisation and social change movement whose emotional intelligence training program is changing lives.


Thankfully, more businesses want to be a force for good. Certified B Corporations, or B Corps, are committed to meeting high standards of social and environmental performance, accountability, and transparency — success is measured on the positive impact they create.


For a minnow like BlueMelon, we’re challenging ourselves to think big, too!




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We’re calling on changemakers like you!


BlueMelon wants to partner with a Sydney-based start-up, social enterprise or not-for-profit doing amazing work in the environmental or social impact space, whose cause would benefit from more powerful content, branding, storytelling, and messaging.


Is your purpose more important than profit? This is the work we want to hang our creative Melon hats on.

  • Would a content, digital or brand strategy give you a leg-up?
  • Could video content help reach and influence your audience?
  • Is animated content the answer to persuading your stakeholders?


If you want to amplify your environmental or social impact with powerful creative, content and design, our Melons For Good pro bono partnership worth $30,000 could be for you.





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What’s The Melons For Good pro bono partnership?


Our team of creative Melons care deeply about doing good in the world. We also care about doing impactful work. In putting our heads together, we asked ourselves: How can we use our collective talents to give a great cause the best chance to create meaningful change?


From the seed of an idea in our Manly studio, The Melons For Good partnership was born.


Scale up a cause you care about as a start-up, social enterprise or not-for-profit. We want to hear from you if you’re interested in securing $30,000 worth of our creative services and working with us to adopt and execute the creative assets we deliver you.


Jacs Wallace, fellow founder and director, BlueMelon:

“We’re humans who care about other humans and the legacy we can all leave on this world. Our team is motivated to do good work with passionate, dedicated people making a difference.”



If this resonates with you, express your interest



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