Why creative content workshops are key to your success - BlueMelon Design

BlueMelon Design

Why creative content workshops are key to your success

Creative content workshops are extremely underrated, particularly given just how successful they have proven...




3090 Why creative content workshops are key to your success


Creative content workshops are extremely underrated, particularly given just how successful they have proven to be for many organisations that have invested in them. If you aren’t entirely sure what a creative content workshop is or what they are designed to achieve, you’ll find a useful resource below. We recommend giving that a read first before proceeding with this article.


What is a content workshop? 


Assuming you’re up to date and know exactly what a creative content workshop is—but aren’t completely convinced that you can benefit from one—then read on and we’ll tell you everything you need to know about how they can benefit you and why we believe they’re key to your continued success.



What are the benefits of a creative content workshop?


3090 workshops tech the team the importance of content marketing


1 – Workshops teach the team the importance of content marketing


Unless you are well-versed in marketing, most people aren’t fully aware of how important content creation is for a business. Certainly, everyone engages with content marketing on a daily basis, but how familiar is everyone in your organisation with the process behind it?

With a creative content marketing workshop, you can bring everyone in your organisation together and teach them the importance of content marketing. With a better understanding of the processes behind it, it will give your team a fresh perspective on the beating heart of your business and how they can lend their talents and areas of expertise to topic creation.


For example: for a confectionary business, while your chocolatiers might not know much about the secret to good content creation, they can still help your marketing team generate detailed and authoritative content about the process of making your chocolate products – which can be awesome way to promote your products and engage with customers who are keen to learn more about what goes on behind the scenes.



3090 workshops can give the green light to loosen budgets


2 – Workshops can give the green light to loosen budgets


Many marketing managers have grand ideas for comprehensive marketing strategies but are unable to get the green light from various shareholders and key decision makers. One of the greatest benefits of a creative content workshop is educating everyone on just how valuable a quality content marketing strategy can be and the kind of ROI that they can generate. With key people on board, it can help loosen budgets and give marketing managers the green light they need to take their strategies to the next level and ultimately begin generating more leads and thus – more qualified customers.



3090 workshops enable to learn more about potential customers


3 – Workshops enable you to learn more about potential customers


When you can learn how to reach and engage with your potential customers at every single stage of the buying process, you’ll be far more effective at feeding them the precise content that they need, with perfect timing. This can be done by studying people’s online behaviour and gaining a thorough understanding of your ideal customer.


A great example of this is when researchers created two different versions of a product advert: one for introverts and another for extroverts. Through this they discovered that when users engaged with ads that were designed to resonate with their level of extraversion / introversion, they were 50% more likely to purchase!


A quality creative content marketing workshop will gear you with all of the techniques necessary to identify who will be most likely to buy your products and how best to resonate with them.



3090 workshops unearth the key factors in marketing success


4 – Workshops unearth the key factors in marketing success


As we delve deeper into the content marketing processes, we’ll teach you more about the various factors that bring success, starting with the very foundation: a powerful content marketing strategy. A strong foundation will effectively guide every single piece of content that your marketing team generates and puts out.




3090 workshops educate you on how to measure content marketing metrics


5 – Workshops educate you on how to measure content marketing metrics


We will also teach you about the importance of big data and how you can measure and leverage content marketing metrics to your advantage. This will give you a unique opportunity to measure how well each of your individual pieces of content performs – and with whom. With these practical measurement aspects under your belt, you and your team will be able to tweak your content on the fly and continually finetune your marketing message.



3090 workshops root out and leverage hidden creativity


6 – Workshops root out and leverage hidden creativity


One of the most beautiful things about a content workshop is the fact that it so often unearths and highlights hidden talent. By getting the wider organisation involved with the workshop and having people from multiple departments take part, you will be giving everyone the opportunity to both learn about and contribute to your content marketing. It doesn’t happen all the time, but it could be that you have a closet-creative in your ranks who has some wonderful ideas that your marketing team could put to use.



3090 workshops create an effective roadmap to success


7 – Workshops create an effective roadmap to success


Our creative content workshops can help you draw a roadmap to success. First of all, you’ll need to know precisely where you’d like to end up! Once you are able to define what success looks like for your organisation, you can then start figuring out how best to get there.


This picture of success must be chock-full of details, which is why it helps to have everyone involved – contributing their ideas.

Consider, what you are all aiming towards:

  • Do you want more leads?
  • More conversions?
  • Greater brand awareness?
  • A higher ROI?
  • All of the above?


All companies have different priorities. In any case, write down the ways in which you will measure success so that you can start working toward them. Following that, we will look at the various content marketing tools you can use to measure growth, such as:

  • Google Analytics
  • Facebook Insights
  • LinkedIn Sales Navigator etc.


With all of this in mind, you will be far better positioned to start creating quality content that can help drive your business forward. And the best part is? You already have a wealth of experts in your industry working for you—all of whom you can leverage to create authoritative content!



Contact us to learn more about how your business can benefit from a content workshop


Whether you aren’t quite sold on the idea or you are interested and keen to learn more, contact us today to explore the idea further. We can answer any questions that you might have and ideally, get to work on tailoring an awesome content marketing workshop specifically for you and your team to get stuck into!





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